BASKETBALL Hi this is Arfa! this is my second blog. I hope you are having a good day while reading my blog, my topic for my new blog is basketball. The invertor of basketball is James Naismith was a Canadian-American physical educator, physician, Christian chaplain, and sports coach, best known as the inventor of the game of basketball. After moving to the United States, he wrote the original basketball rule book and founded the University of Kansas basketball program. After Naismith rejected the name “Naismith ball”, saying that the name would kill the game before it got going, Mahan then said, “Why not call it basket ball?” Dr. Naismith responded to this saying, “We have a basket and a ball, and it seems to me that would be a good name for it.” In Dr. NBA is the highest level of basketball in the world. Probably the most notable history of baske...